Julio Bermúdez

Full-stack web developer

Live API code Frontend code

In this app users can have profiles, friends, posts and private chats. I learnt a lot about Mongoose while doing it, as some queries (like friend requests) were a bit challenging but thankfully their docs have plenty of information which guided me.

Implementing private messaging was also challenging. It was my first time working with Socket.io, but I did it by leveraging their 'rooms' functionality plus some JavaScript in the backend.

  • React logo React
  • Express logo
  • MongoDB logo
  • Socket.io logo Socket.io
  • Sass logo
  • React
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Socket.io
  • Sass

Live API code Frontend code

A film reviewing app. It uses TMDB and OMDB's APIs to get the films' data so users can review, rate, like, make lists and keep a diary of their watched films.

I found Redux to be extremely helpful once I got the hang of it. I felt my components were cleaner and I was able to build new functionality much faster than I would without it. And Typescript? It helped me catch a lot of errors while I was writing code. It's an amazing tool!

  • React logoReact
  • Redux logoRedux
  • TypeScript logoTypeScript
  • Express logo
  • MongoDB logo
  • Jest logo
  • Sass logo
  • React
  • Redux
  • TypeScript
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Jest
  • Sass

Live Code

The classic game with player vs computer and player vs player modes. I made this to learn about Test-Driven Development and better my understanding of Object Oriented Programming.

It was made in vanilla JS so it's very heavy on DOM manipulation, which was tricky to do some times, so I learned a lot about the DOM and now I feel confident working with it.

I've built a few other things...

my inventory application's homepage
Inventory Application - CRUD app built with Express and Handlebars.
Homepage of my blog
A blog - Made with React/Express, has 2 frontends: one for displaying blogs, and another as an admin panel.
Newsweek Homepage - Used Bootstrap to replicate a complex and responsive layout.
Members Only - Message board with different user roles. Uses Express, Handlebars and TailwindCSS.
Tic-Tac-Toe - Made with the objective of learning Object Oriented Programming.
Etch-A-Sketch - Drawing app where users can download their drawings as jpgs.

Who I am

Hi again. My name's Julio Bermúdez. I live in Venezuela (GMT-4) and have a degree in Medical Laboratory Science. One day, I found about web development—about building web apps/sites by typing stuff into a computer and thought:

How awesome is that!?

I started learning on The Odin Project and have been loving it since then. I've taught myself different tools to help me create better apps. But there are so many other things I want to learn about web development! I'm currently interested in NextJS and GraphQL, waiting for the day I get to try them out.

Some other things about me? I'm bilingual, C2 certified. I like watching films (1917, a recent favorite) and playing video games (well, I'm 25!).

You can quickly send me a message here

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Designed and developed by me :)